Due to renovations at our building, we did not capture video of this gathering. We did capture audio for you to listen in! Enjoy!
Dec. 10th, 2023 | Advent | Peace
Due to renovations at our building, we did not capture video of this gathering. We did capture audio for you to listen in! Enjoy!
Dec. 3rd, 2023 | Advent | Hope
Nov. 12th, 2023 | Prayer
Oct. 29th, 2023 | Sergey Lysak - Pastor in Kyiv, Ukraine
Our brother from Ukraine, Sergey Lysak, talks about the strength and sufficiency of Jesus while pastoring in the face war.
Don't Play
Oct. 22nd, 2023 | Acts 12
Oct. 17th, 2023 | Renovations Update with JP
JP Clark, Refuge Kids Director, gives us an update on the ongoing renovations happening at theRefuge Church.
Oct. 15th, 2023 | Acts 11:19-30
Oct. 8th, 2023 | Acts 10:44 - 11:18
Oct. 1st, 2023 | Acts 10:17-43
Ask the Elders Anything | September 2023
Pastor Blake & Pastor Scott answer the question, “How should Christian parents teach their kids to engage with a world that is increasingly hostile to the things of God?”
DeLaCruz Sendoff
Praying over Nick & Rebecca DeLaCruz as they move away after years of faithful service and growth in Christ
Sep. 24th, 2023 | Acts 10:1-16
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